“Having a great time with everyone @Telemiracle Day 2!
We’re back on at 1:00pm CST)#TM39
Tune in and ring those phones!

“What a night at Casino Rama Live! 5000 people and an absolutely spectacular venue. Next up London Music Hall! #RAMBLEon #BCBRAMBLE @thegordbamford”

“Three weeks on the road? No praaaaabs. #packlightyeahright #twochicks #thetravelingkitchen #somanyinstruments”

“My pal @thegordbamford & I at the crazy tiny @garthbrooks show in #Nashville during #CRS2015 #menagainstmachine”

“Moncton. Wow. You sure brought it! Things definitely got funky! Love you guys! (Regram: @xlcountry969) @jessmoskaluke #BobbyWills #WhenTheLightsGoDownTour”

“So that happened. Great chat with @shaniatwain @CMTCanada today. #stilltheone #greataudience”

“Just left @sickkidstoronto in Toronto.Grateful to be able to make these visits.”

“Always good to be back in #Toronto! ❄️ #RockThisCountry”

“Look what just showed up. Our brand new CD!! #EmersonDrive #NewSingle #WhoWeAre #TiltAWhirlTour #BigStarRecordings #Invictus”