TC Christmas Q&A with Tristan Horncastle

8 Days until Christmas!

We’re counting down the days until Christmas by featuring a special Top Country Christmas Q&A with a different artist each day! Check out today’s Q&A with Tristan Horncastle!

1. Top way to countdown to Christmas

Advent Calendar

2. Favourite Christmas Carol

Silent Night.

3. Top 3 Christmas movies, go!

Grizwalds Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story & A Muppets Christmas Carol.

4. Top 2 things every Christmas Carol needs

Snow and a wood stove.

5. Top 3 Christmas Treats

Chicken bones, macaroons, peanut butter chocolate balls.

6. Worst Christmas present you ever received

Socks haha.

7. Any funny Christmas memories or stories?

One Christmas I wouldn’t go to bed, finally got into bed and wouldn’t go to sleep. So mom took it upon herself to walk under my bedroom window ringing bells. Then came in my room and said she just heard Santa’s bells and they went right on by. You talk about a kid go to sleep fast, haha!

8. Real Christmas tree or fake?

A real Christmas tree only!

9. Your top 3 Holiday Traditions?

Advent Calendar, opening 1 gift on Christmas Eve, decorating after Remembrance Day.

10. Who has the funniest Christmas sweater?


11. What’s at the top of your Christmas list?

Snow on Christmas Eve and enjoying time with my family.

12. What goes on top of your tree?

A star.