Day 10: Carolyn Dawn Johnson – TC’s 12 Day’s of Christmas



Top Country’s 12 Days of Christmas featuring Canadian country artists and their favourite Christmas memories along with a gift giveaway from Lammle’s Western Wear and Tack!

Day Ten

Carolyn Dawn Johnson recently sat down with TC and chatted about her favourites at Christmas.

1. What is your favourite Christmas memory?

My favorite Christmas memory is the year my grandparents on my mom’s side of the family rented out a teen campground for all of the relatives to stay in.  It had plenty of rooms and tons of bunkbeds. Us kids had a blast. There was a huge dining area where at meal times we all gathered, and a massive fireplace and gathering area, with a piano, so we all sang Christmas Carols, and then we opened presents and told the Christmas story.  Grandpa also arranged for a snow/hayride for us and we went for a cozy tour of the area.  There was a small lake nearby that we ice skated on and played hockey.  There was so much fun to be had, but I think the best part of it all was that we were all together.  My mom is 1 of 8 children so we had lots of aunts and uncles and cousins.

2. What’s your favourite dish on your family’s Christmas menu?

My mom’s dressing and gravy, nobody makes it like her….oh and her apple pie too!!!

3. What’s your all-time favourite Christmas song?

Probably have to be Silent Night or Away In a Manger, those are pretty much a tie for me.  I grew up going to church, so the hymn Christmas Carols are very close to my heart as we sang them over and over every year.

4. What’s your favourite family Christmas tradition?

Probably just sitting around the tree, singing Christmas songs and reading the Christmas story.

5. What’s the one Christmas album you couldn’t live without?

Amy Grant’s Christmas Album, and Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers Christmas album (note I can never just pick one answer….too hard!)


Lammle’s Western Wear and Tack will be giving away a pair of Miss Me Ladie’s jeans today, day ten. Sign up below for your chance to win! Do it fast, contest closes in 24 hours!

*Winner will have a choice of ladies’ jeans to be sent to them.


Enter today’s ‘Day 11’ Giveaway!