Deric Ruttan
recently did a Q&A with Top Country. The Bracebridge, Ontario native, who now calls Nashville home, answered questions about some of his favourite things from foods, quotes, albums, sports… you name it! Take a look:
What are your top three all-time favorite songs? Tough one. How about “All These Years”, written by Mac McAnally, “Wichita Lineman” written by Jimmy Webb, and “I’m On Fire” written by Bruce Springsteen.
What is your all-time favorite quote? “The Man In The Arena” by Theodore Roosevelt.
What is your all-time favorite song lyric? Next to impossible to answer, but this comes to mind — “And I need you more than want you/And I want you for all time” (from “Wichita Lineman” by Jimmy Webb).
Who are your three favorite songwriters? Can’t narrow it to three, but if I had to list three that I admire greatly – Jimmy Webb, Bob McDill and Mac McAnally.
3 favorite authors? Jack London, Stephen King, Frank McCourt.
3 favorite sports? What are these ‘sports’ you speak of?
Beatles or Stones? Why? Hank Williams, Sr. Seriously?
What is your favorite place in Muskoka? The Ruttan Family Homestead – the log cabin my father and grandfather were raised in, and the piece of land it sits on that has been in our family for almost 90 years.
What is your favorite place in Nashville? My house.
Top bunk or bottom? Top.
Mountain or beach? Mountains.
Top 3 favorite movies? Heat, Empire Strikes Back, Waking Ned Devine.
What is your favorite cause? Why? Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis – my nephew has JRA.
What are your top 3 holiday songs? “What Child Is This”, “Silent Night”, “Away In A Manger”.
What are your 3 biggest pet peeves? Rudeness, arrogance, and pay parking lots. Once I had a run-in with a rude, arrogant, pay parking lot attendant. It didn’t go well.
What are your top 3 weekend activities? Spending time with my family, watching movies, catching up on sleep.
Songwriting or playing live? Playing live.
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 record albums would you want with you? Cosmo’s Factory by Creedence Clearwater Revival, Don Williams – 20 Greatest Hits by Don Williams, and Endless Summer by The Beach Boys (I think that last one would sound very cool on a desert island. For obvious reasons).
If you could be anything besides a country music singer, what would you be? An actor.
If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Jack London.
What is the best advice you were ever given? Work harder than everyone else.